A warm night with a misty rain, a good cold beverage, fantastic company, easy conversation, and a delicious cigar– this is what amounts to a lovely evening for me. For this calm gathering, and from the Thompson Cigar 90+ rated cigars, I choose the My Father’s Garcia and Garcia cigar. The flashy label caught my eye, and the size was right for a leisurely evening among friends.
Before lighting, this particular stick smelled of a rich leather, coffee, and a nuance of vanilla. While this is a lighter stick, I would classify it on the medium body side of that range, as the leathery aroma is definitely the predominant aroma on this cigar. After lighting, it’s as though the tanning of many hides had been rolled into one smoke. This sounds overwhelming, but I found it quite enjoyable. The barest hint of vanilla and a layer of coffee really helped temper the leather taste in the first part of the cigar.
The draw is easy without being too soft, and made for a decent sized foot without too much ado. At the midpoint of the cigar, the leather tapers down just a little and the cigar mellows over all into a pleasant smoke with good tobacco, earthy tones, coffee, and leather flavors. Towards the final third of the cigar, a nice bit of pepperiness helps finish the stick out with some coffee, leather, and earthiness. I had this stick with a Raspberry infused spiked sparkling water, and I think it would taste just wonderful with just about any beverage you could possibly want.
In all, this cigar is an instant classic cigar. It is not a heavy smoke, but it is a stick you want to take your time with.